This is a collection of various test web projects I've created recently. These tests are up here for feedback from others; most never make it here. Some of these may grow into something larger but most of them won't. They are entirely undocumented and I don't support them. If you are interested in any of them or have questions about them, contact me through one of
these mediums.
- Chase — Draw a shape with your mouse on the canvas.
- Field — Shows magnetic field lines. Click and drag or shift- or option-click.
- Mines — Classic, simple minesweeper
- JSON View — An interactive WebKit-debugger-like view of a JSON object.
- Brown — An example of Brownian motion with 1000 particles.
- Colinear — An interactive demonstration of a fun property involving 3 circles.
- Signal — A simulation of signal propagation through a mesh network.
- Exact Time — Uses the GPS coordinates to determine the "exact time."